Saturday, February 15, 2014

Comming Out

I just celebrated my 6th decade early this month and it was a time to reflect on the road that brought me to this point.  The need for reflection was fueled by the news today of Ellen Page's announcement that she is gay  My announcement was not so public and was done in bits and pieces.  Considering the year, 1980, and the current social climate (AIDS before it had a name) I not only was owning my long suppressed sexual identity  but explaining that I didn't have the 'gay plague'.

Today, I am proudly out.  I am the owner of a business, President of a LGBT Chamber, and most important, happily, I am a wife.  As I watched the video of Ellen coming out, I noticed how this young woman had all the tell tale body language:  rocking side to side, blushing, hand and arm pumping trying to diffuse the nervousness and the unmistakable voice break.  I was reminded that even in these years of social gain and legal triumphs that it will still be awhile before we can come out with the ease of announcement.

So when you know that there is someone who is struggling before or after the announcement of who they are, lend some encouragement.  Let them know that there is a world filled with more love then hate.  That those closed off countries that suppress our LGBT family is the exception and we are the norm. 

I celebrate all who embrace and accept who they were born to be.